Thursday, April 30, 2020

It was February 2020

It was February 2020
We were not ready
For what was happening

The Trump unleashed
The Biblical Beast
Not the least
Openly Orwellian

Fracking pipelining
Human Trafficking
Wasting Dumping
People disappearing
The price of the job
To be a small cog
In the insatiable machine
That we are feeding

Locusts unleashed
Flying and Feasting
On the green living
The green living
We all need
To eat and to drink
To keep breathing

Another virus
Divides us
Conspires inside us
Splitting us in two
Making one
Making one

Land protectors took to the land
Took to the water
To make a stand
All nations
All people
Children women and men
Reached out a hand
Round Dance
When the movement
Completes a circle
It is a revolution

Australia burned
California learned
It’s us
That’s not hearing
Not believing
What our prophets
And our scientists
Have been preaching

Stop it now
Slow it down
Stop moving around
Unless you really
have to move

Stop watching
Stop buying
Clean up
Be Clean
Plant trees
Plant that garden
The one we were born in
The one
We all want to die in